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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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Privacy Statement

We only collect personal information for a lawful purpose which directly relates to conducting research on turtles and for obtaining feedback about the effectiveness of our services. We will not collect any more information than is necessary for us to fulfil these functions.
We will not disclose your personal information to anyone without your consent unless legally required to do so.

Storage of private information

We will take all reasonable steps to protect the security of any personal information held, be it stored in electronic or hard copy format.

Email addresses

Email addresses are recorded when an email message is sent to TurtleSAT or when a user subscribes to an online mailing list.
These email addresses are stored electronically and only used for the purpose for which it is provided and is not added to any unauthorised mailing list or disclosed to other organisations unless you request that this to be done.
If you have subscribed to one of the online mailing lists, you can easily remove your email details from the list by unsubscribing. Each mailing list provides clear instructions on how to unsubscribe.

Information received via feedback

We may provide feedback facilities on the site to allow users to provide input into the future development of the site and to comment on the provision of service by the project. The provision of personal details on feedback is optional.
Users may provide personal details for the purpose of receiving a reply to their feedback. This information will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided. We will not add your email address or name to any mailing list.
We may publish aggregated information about feedback on the site, but will ensure that this aggregated information cannot be used to identify individual users.


We will collect, use and disclose more extensive information than stated above in the following circumstances:
  • unauthorised attempts to access files which are not publicly available;
  • unauthorised tampering or interference with files on the listed website;
  • unauthorised attempts to index the contents of the listed website;
  • attempts to intercept messages of other users of the listed website;
  • communications which are defamatory, abusive, vilify individuals or groups or which give rise to a suspicion that an offence is being committed; and
  • attempts to otherwise compromise the security of the web server, breach the laws of the State of New South Wales or Commonwealth of Australia, or interfere with the use of the listed website by other users.
We reserve the right to make disclosures to relevant authorities where the use of the listed website raises a suspicion that an offence is being, or has been, committed. In the event of an investigation, we will provide access to data to any law enforcement agency that may exercise a warrant to inspect our logs.
We may initiate proceedings in relation to any loss or damage suffered as a result of unauthorised use of information or any of the above circumstances.
Disclosure may also occur where it is lawfully authorised or required under any act, other law or statutory agency or foreign body.

Linked Websites

We do not have any responsibility for the privacy policies or practices of third party sites linked to/from the listed websites.

Will this policy be updated over time?

Due to the developing nature of privacy principles for online communication, this policy may be modified or expanded in light of new developments or issues that may arise from time to time. The amended policy will be posted to this site and will operate from the time it is posted.
Total Records
Nests Protected
Turtles Saved